Sunday, July 17, 2011

Las Mujeres de Espana (The Women of Spain)

It is morning time here in Madrid and I am the only one I have brewed a cup of coffee and thought that I would talk about one of my observations here.  Forgive me if I have spelled a spanish word incorrectly here and there.  I know some words and once they go plural I am not exactly sure how they are spelled.  I am totally winging it here. :-)

The women of Spain are such an interesting thing.  Unlike the States, the women here, well at least the ones I have seen thus far, are extremely sophistcated and put together.  They seem to have a respect  and confidence for and about themselves that American women do not have.  Even on the metro on a Saturday afternoon they have their hair and makeup done, they are wearing an actual outfit and not their pajamas or sweatpants, they have a fancy shoe and fabulous handbag.  I love this.  For those of you that know me, you know that I wouldn't be caught dead outside my house in anything more than put together.  Occasionally I would take the kids to school in my yoga clothes or if we were home cleaning or what not I would be in "grubbies", but I would NEVER go to the store like that.  I wish American women would embrace this.  I think if they did they would have such confidence in everything that they do.  There is just something that happens to you when you have "the look".  It will be interesting to see if they have the types of crimes against women here that they do in the States, such as domestic violence.  They probably do, but I would like to bet that it isn't as common.  The reason I think this is becasue when you feel confident and look it you are less likely to have self esteem issues and feel dependent on what another person thinks about you.

The clothing that I have noticed isn't much different than in the states.  They seem to have the same sort of styles, but kicked up a notch.  I have only noticed a few items that seem a bit strange to me.  I also have noticed, though the younger generation does go for items a bit on the short side, I haven't found myself saying, "She SHOULD NOT be wearing that".  I felt like everytime I went out in the Springs there would be many people that have squeezed in to things that just were not flattering.  I also really haven't noticed any "weight" issues.  You have the "plump" grandmas, but not to the point where they have scooters at the Carrefour for those that cannot walk through the grocery store.  Now, again, we have not even been here a week and I certainly have not been everywhere and seen everything, but just found it so interesting this little lifestyle aspect.  I am not sure why these women are so fabulous, but I love it and I hope someday that this "way of life" can make it to the States, even if just in little waves.  I would love for American women to have a sort of "control" because of the way they feel each and every day.

Until next time...

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